_008 _ Nov-Feb 2024

_008 _ Nov-Feb 2024

Dec 2023 -> Feb 2024

What secrets are revealed?

Much like Cthulhu himself "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming", the Dev Team has been coiled in the darkness of winter building….building….building….what is the latest from these dreams?

1. 'Curse Breaker' is here in early access! Jump into our new free game and start earning 'Upgrade Points' for your Agents from Cthulhu Awakens. Use these points to boost your Digital Collectibles' value!

Of course, 'Curse Breaker' is just the beginning. It's part of our expanding 'Cthulhuverse' – a themed gaming ecosystem with unique games offering shared rewards.

Stay tuned for more web games!

2. Cthulhu Awakens is Live on KAP Games https://www.kap.gg/games/cthulhu-awakens

3. Guest LOGIN This may sound small, but it's actually really huge. In the old system, folks had to create an account and log into the Member Portal.

Now we allow Guest Login for Curse Breaker, so folks can try it out with less friction (literally, 2 clicks).

Of course, we strongly encourage EVERYONE to create an account to get the full value out of the Cthulhuverse. Please share this link on social media: https://member.cosmicfoundry.io/cursebreaker

4. Analytics

The team has been hard-at-work building the minimal analytics necessary to track our KPIs. Eventually we will integrate a full 3rd-party solution(s) but for now we are primarily interested in data from Google, Member Portal, Curse Breaker etc. Of course our goal is the same for any company, build a strong Business Intelligence capacity to informs future decisions. We now have basic Admin panels for high-level tracking and this will remain an ongoing effort.

5. Move off Assembla

We have moved from Assembla to Youtrack as your primary task-tracking and Agile workflow tool. This saves us $ and the tools are actually better (in most cases).

**6. AMA on **GGEM.gg

Jason Kaehler did an AMA w/ these folks, (thank you to all who attended); we had about 50 people in the call. Cthulhu Awakens is now live on this discovery platform.

**7. Investors outreach **

Ongoing efforts and discussions. Have some meetings @ GDC that should prove interesting.

8. Revised P&L

A full revenue breakdown for financial projections and allocation of proceeds. We have all monetization vectors designed and mapped into the ecosystem.

9. More AI experiments

If you have GPT Pro, checkout this AI game:

Dr. Armitage Quest — a choose-your-own-adventure in the world of Cthulhu https://chat.openai.com/g/g-3J6yJohWX-dr-armitage-quests

10. Medium article

Also, our ceo Jason Kaehler wrote an article on ChatGPT Store here: https://medium.com/@cosmicfoundry33/winning-on-the-chatgpt-store-a1221e1e0763

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