_003 _ Mar-April 2023
“Fear is our deepest and strongest emotion, and the one which best lends itself to the creation of nature-defying illusions.” -Lovecraft
Greetings Humans!
Tons of stuff happening as we build for our June 1 “Secret Demo” build. It’s a kind of open pre-beta designed for (3) purposes:
Get something playable out there to show traction to community
Gather bugs/metrics/info for developer team
Begin community engagement (more later)
More on M1 HERE.
Here’s the relevant information for March/April:
More work on NFT Pipeline. Finalizing our process for minting both Utility and Art NFTs (ahem, Digital Collectables). We are doing a lot to ensure the NFTs are ‘futureproof’ for use in the actual game so that is much higher difficulty than simply dumping a bunch of .jpgs
New Art NFTs - our ‘creatures’ are all new artwork and now can be seen on our Market page here (scroll down below the Agents): https://www.cthulhuawakens.io/market These Art NFTs will be given away liberally, if your reading this we will air-drop you some.
Stardust announcement - not public yet, but we did a deal with https://www.stardust.gg/ We are using their platform for Custodial Wallets. This means we can distribute digital assets to people (blockchain backed) without the need for them to have a wallet like Metamask or pay any gas fees. HUGE
Opera Event partnership - https://www.operaevent.co/ also not public but we did a deal with these guys for community management. They have an amazing platform and we are very lucky to be a part of their ecosystem.
New Advisors, we added Darryl Williams, Wyeth Ridgeway and Brandon Byrne. All titans of games and super awesome folks.
Multiple website and wiki updates: www.cthulhuawakens.io (endless)
Infrastructure for user profiles - we are building a proper Cthulhu Awakens member website that will allow users to setup accounts and see their Digital Assets. It will also show things like upcoming Raffles, Mints, Player Rankings etc. This is super-exciting.
New hires - we have a proper Social Media Manager now, fellow named Rhicky Racal who has worked for Meta/Facebook before and doing great job w/ Discord & Twitter to start.
Various investor outreach and discussions.
M1 polish - This is the big cahuna. Most day-to-day efforts are centered around the June 1 launch of our demo on Google Play (iOS and PC to come). Many of you have played the demo but if you haven’t yet and want to, please LMK and I’ll get you on the internal Beta list. Last two months have been
Integration of Secret Goals / NFT grant for victory features
New characters
Tons of bug fixes
New music
Vfx tweaks & lighting
Secret Goals - bonus/NFT etc.
Stay tuned for more info! Also, get these updates in your email by Subscribing to our Newsletter here: https://www.cthulhuawakens.io/subscribe