_001 _ Oct-Jan 2022
"The ancient animal totem associated with the month of October is the falcon bird spirit. The spiritual meaning of the Falcon is balance of mind body and spirit." -ancient proverb
Greetings humans and welcome to our first newsletter! Save this document as a historic artifact like the US Constitution or the Rosetta Stone (ok, perhaps that’s a BIT grandiose but startups gotta dream big, right?)
The main purpose of these newsletters going forward will be to communicate to everyone in our community the monthly progress we are making. While we will utilize multiple channels to inform a variety of stakeholders, this Newsletter will be a good way to get all relevant information in one place.
Enough with the preamble! What’s new with Cthulhu Awakens? 1. Code Architecture
Technical efforts to support client-server functionality are ongoing. As some of you know, the original playable demo was 100% client-side and thus not suitable from a multiplayer, security and scalability perspective. Our CTO Albert is hard at work spearheading this multi-month effort. The core gameplay loop is now functional under the new code architecture!
2. NFT Pipeline
Larry (CCO) is leading this and doing some great work to support new outfits/clothing and now “accessories” (think hats, lapel pins etc.). This additional functionality means wider variety in our NFT Agents which helps from both a visual/storytelling perspective and a scarcity/economic angle. By introducing more vectors for variation, the entire NFT ecosystem becomes more robust and interesting.
3. New Company Formation
New company formation - We are in the process of working with the awesome law firm DLA Piper https://www.dlapiper.com/ to create a new company to handle Cthulhu Awakens and all future crypto/web3 projects. All existing contracts w/ Asylum Labs relating to CA will be honored and transferred over to the new company. The new entity’s name is Cosmic Foundry. This effort has many moving parts (including new logo/brand design) so stay tuned for more info on this exciting development! www.cosmic-foundry.com
4. Customer Support Efforts
We are considering engaging Game Center Group www.gamecentergroup.com as our customer support and Knowledge Base partner. We are currently deep into an evaluation of their offering. Early indicators are quite positive and it will be fantastic to have this important aspect of our Live strategy in place. Hopefully this will be live and demonstratable for folks soon!
5. M1 Milestone Efforts
As most know, we are pushing towards releasing a 5-minute playable demo on Android/Google Play we call “M1 – Marketing Demo” (better name TBD). This demo has triple purpose: a. Demonstrate the game is ‘real’ and fun b. Begin to collect bugs (both from testing pre-launch and from having the demo “live”) c. For players who complete the demo (and satisfy certain goals) gain access to a Private ‘white-label’ NFT Mint. The demo thus functions as a marketing tool for the Mint.
6. M1 Testing
We now have a more robust testing process with some automated crash reporting. Building a proper testing environment is a marathon and we have only just begun. If you are NOT a tester but would like to be, please contact myself (for now). See HERE
7. Wiki Revisions
Ongoing (endless) efforts here, notably new Community and Testing pages.
1. Growing our Discord remains our #1 challenge from a marketing perspective. Please join us HERE if you have not already. We will postpone our NFT Mint until we have sufficient interest as gauged by our Discord community. In addition to Discord, lack of marketing resources broadly means we are not building our community as fast as we would like.
That’s the wrap-up for this October 2022! If you have any questions, concerns or interest in helping please do not hesitate to contact us: contact@asylumlabsinc.com
In service to The Ancient Ones, (and all puny human Stakeholder too)
- @BaronVonNift33