


Our story begins in 1921 to a world still shellshocked by WW1. America is a young country emerging from a pandemic of the Spanish Flu to an optimistic new decade. Newspapers all printed President Harding's famous quote:

"America's present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration."

Yet despite these public statements the US Govt. was quietly developing a number of secret military programs and departments, some of which remain secret to this day.

A "new science" was beginning and brilliant minds were exploring all aspects of our reality. Quantum physics and relativity were brand new discoveries. In July of that same year a handful of reputable astrophysicists from around the world detect a strange, highly energetic "anomaly" somehwere near Jupiter. Hubble declares "that thing shouldn't BE there!" Not only did academics take notice, but the US military was also extremely interested. Careful study showed bizarre energy waves were emitting from it, and causing fluctuations in the earths magnetosphere.

Of coures, Uncle Sam was hoping to weaponize it....



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