Secret Goals _ Free Agent

Secret Goals _ Free Agent


The 'M1 Secret Demo' contains (4) Secret Goals. When completed, you will win a Free Agent Digital Collectable.

The Secret Goals are 'easter egg' tasks (like Achievements) we do not explain. Learn what they are from playing, looking for clues in documentation or discuss with the community (on Discord or Facebook).

To track your progress getting them all, use this meter:


They grey skulls represent empty slots. Once you discover/achieve one of the Secret Goals, the meter will indicate your progress with a flaming skull:


You need to find all (4) Secret Goals to qualify for the REWARDS! It is a **mystery **what it takes to Achieve these goals, but feel free to check social media for clues or discuss online with fellow explorers!


If you beat 'M1 Secret Demo' AND complete all Secret Goals, you get:

  • Agent Utility Digital Collectable (supplies limited). These are the most valuable Digital Collectables in our game. Learn more HERE.

  • Added to Mint 01 Whitelist (if the mint has not yet occurred).


For beating 'M1 Secret Demo' *without *all Secret Goals you get nothing. Try again :)


After SUCCESS, you will be prompted to enter your information, asked to authenticate your email and then you will be able to log into the Member website and see your new Agent NFT.


NOTE: Independent from 'M1 Secret Demo', for simply registering an account on our Member Website you get a free Art Digital Collectable, (supplies limited). You also get a raffle ticket (as long as there are agent/art nfts to give away).

When you first play the game, you will see an image in the start menu whether the Secret Goal is OPEN or not. This is because there is a limited amount of Digital Collectable Agents and this offer will expire. As long as it says OPEN, you can qualify for the above-mentioned rewards.



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