The Community
It is virtually impossible to overstate the importance of our community.
This game is nothing without our Players. Our goal is to build the most welcoming, encouraging, inclusive and exciting community on the interwebs.
We see our community as the glue that holds everything together; we know you are the most ardent fans and our fiercest critics. Unlike some developers, we do not draw a hard line between devleoper and Player and Retail Investor. For us, this is a journey we are taking together...for mutual benefit and reward. We are all part of one huge global effort to reach unprecedented levels of success.
When considering any large online community, population analysis often begins with the notion of 'cohorts'. **Who **is the community? What are their shared characistics and goals? Why are they engaged and what are their expectations? What makes each group unique?
The first step is to signup for our Member Portal here:
This website will be where you can check your inventory of Digital Collectables, get new info on the project and participate in all things Cthulhu Awakens! Get a free Digital Collectable just for signing up!
Due to the wide range of players in Cthulhu Awakens, we have two places to hangout with others in the community. Feel free to join whichever community you feel most comfortable; all major announcements will be done in both.
With Cthulhu Awakens, we have identified a number of cohorts who are likely to love the game. Of course, every single person is a unique individual who is complex and often has a variety of motivations. The following categories have soft boundries and overlap more often that not, however some high-level segmentation is useful for a variety of purposes.
Cohort 1: Crypto Game enthusiast
These Players are the early adapters, the vanguard, the 'tip of the spear'. They are crypto-savvy, have wallets, own crypto tokens and NFTs and are generally well educated on the web3 gaming space. They tend to break into further sub-categories regarding motivations but all are playing these games for a love of video games and the interest in making money while doing it.
Cthulhu Awakens has a strong web3 component designed to appeal to these players through a wide range of vectors (see: What's Unique )
Cohort 2: Traditional web2 RPG gamer
This cohort loves RPG games and has played many over the years. They may also have experience with paper-and-dice games like Dungeons & Dragons. The core elements of a great RPG are: a good story, building up your character's statistics, getting great loot and defeating enemies in combat. This group tends to skew slighty towards those who identify as male (60/40).
Our game takes a 'second to learn, lifetime to master' approach to game design. It has a depth and complexity to the various systems (combat, player progression, base progression etc.) required to engage the most descriminating RPG fan for hundreds of hours.
Cohort 3: Traditional web2 mobile puzzle/story gamer
This group of Players is mobile-first and loves both puzzle and interactive story games. For them, the fun is solving various brain-teaser/puzzle mechanics and engaging with a rich world full of interesting characters who develop relationships between them, grow/change throughout their journeys and tantilize both the heart and brain through strong emotional dialogue. This group predominantly self-identifies as female (65/35).
At it's core, Cthulhu Awakens is a puzzle game with an amazing story. The mythology created by HP Lovecrat is an evergreen wellspring of concepts, ideas and creatures that make it a fascinating world to explore. We have a strong cast of core characters who evolve over time, fight demons (both literal and psychological), and develop meaningful relationships with each other. There's a lot here for these Players to like.
Cohort 4: NFT Trader
For these members of our community, the game is secondary to the NFT experience. Most NFT collectors are motivated by two factors: building their collections to show off and making money by engaging with the NFT markeplaces. Many will play web3 games to get (and in our game, improve) NFTs; many will only engage with the NFTs on the secondary markets.
We have many kinds of NFTs (see Types of NFTs) for these valued members of our community. Folks can engage with the game to get NFTs, improve their NFTs, rent NFTs or battle others for NFTs.......OR they can simply buy/sell them on the many marketplace(s). We encourage NFT Traders to engage with the product how THEY want to engage.
Cohort 5: Token investor/trader
This final group is focused on the Token value. They are taking a 'big picture' view on the entire project, the game's success, the Token utility and their ROI. For these members of the community, the primary motivation is seeing their investments in $CTH go 'up and to the right'.
This group is not just fancy 'investors / VC' types. Everyone who plays Cthulhu Awakens and engages with the web3 aspect (provides wallet), can earn $CTH just by playing the game. This turns our players into investors. This simple concept is critical to aligning the interests of everyone in the community. We all want the token value to rise, so we will all work together for that shared goal.
When considering gamer motivation (broadly), our own research aligns nicely with the work done by our friends at Quantic Foundry .
Cthulhu Awakens satisfies each of these motivations in various ways. Watch this space for further elaboration on this topic.