title: M1 - Secret Demo slug: GJcd-m1-secret-demo createdAt: Thu Apr 13 2023 20:25:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) updatedAt: Tue Aug 27 2024 22:51:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The 'M1 Secret Demo' is our first release to the public. You can download the Android version here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.cosmicfoundry.cam1
We will follow-up with iOS and PC builds.
The Demo is a small (5)-minute playable version of the game, that ONLY shows the core combat/gameplay mechanics.
We support a wide range of Android devices, but recommend fairly high-end phone or tablet as the build is not highly optimized for lower-end devices (yet).
Features Include:
core puzzle combat
short intro cinematic
Help feature (not proper tutorial)
Secret Goals - these are hidden goals that provide special rewards (see below)
static Agents - no support for new Agents, team building or DIgital Collectable Agents
placeholder graphics - all Art will receive a visual upgrade in Final Release
integrated Customer Feedback / Support system
integrated Cosmic Foundry GameID registration and profile support
Rewards like Raffle Tickets and Digital Collectables