title: #009: Mar-Sept 2024 slug: TlQ9- createdAt: Fri Sep 20 2024 19:34:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) updatedAt: Fri Sep 20 2024 19:41:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
March - Sept 2024
"The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls." - E.A. Poe
You've already seen the new logo! We've decided to build out our "Themed Gaming Ecosystem' as The CthulhuVerse. This means new logos for the 'umbrella' brand, but each game will receive it's own branding/website etc. Learn more about it through our new trailer! https://youtu.be/2hvT8-9gblM
2. *** *NEW GAME**** ***
'The HOWL Protocol'***** is here!**
Game #3 in the expanding CthulhuVerse, 'The HOWL Protocol' is now in live Beta! Play it at the Member Portal under Games tab! https://member.cosmicfoundry.io/
This one is really exciting because we are doing something completely experimental. We have put an LLM brain inside the 'head' of every Agent in The CthulhuVerse! Each character now has a unique personalities, bio and backstory! Talk with them to make a new friend, or just convince them to get to work gathering intel! This 'Gamification of chat AI' (as distinct from 'AI for NPCs') represents an exciting new technology for us. Read more about HOWL https://docs.cthulhuverse.io/cthulhuverse/the-howl-protocol The HOWL Protocol.
3. 'LivingNFT' tech
For HOWL, we built a new tech stack that allows us to leverage multiple LLMs (both closed and open-source) for a range of features. For each of the 10,000 Agents, we instantiate an LLM (say, ChatGPT) with specific bio, backstory, personality etc. This creates a specific individual (living in 1919), and then we built a game around them. One key additional element to building relationships was to ensure they have working short-term and long-term memory; such that they can build rapport with the player over time.
Ben joins us from Horizon Games! We are super-lucky to have him and he's already contributing to our success. Read more about his background https://docs.cthulhuverse.io/cthulhuverse/meet-the-team HERE
5. Discovery platforms
We've added more discovery platforms to our 'external partners'. The latest is Earnscape ( https://earnscape.io/ ) which is particularly great because they are mobile. Other discovery partners we Live on include Portal, GGem, Kap Games & Xsolla.
As a push to reach our first 2500 Members on the Member Portal, we are giving away a free Agent Digital Collectible (NFT) to everyone that signs up! If you already have an account, you get one too! **Come grab yours! **
For more ways to get Agents, checkout https://docs.cthulhuverse.io/cthulhuverse/how-to-get-digital-collectibles THIS PAGE.
9. Replace Stardust
Due to a variety of factors, (including their pivot), we are going in a different direction for our crypto-wallet solution. We are in the midst of migrating our WaaS (wallet-as-a-service) and NFT minting solution from Stardust, (which was a custodial wallet solution), to Thirdweb, a non-custodial solution. In addition to the code migration, this will involve recreating smart contracts and reminting all granted NFTs for users with the new collections. We anticipate this move will engender additional trust in our players as a non-custodial wallet is inherently safer for users than a custodial one. This move also provides us with a path to launch on additional blockchains in the future.